My Lands (mlgame) - Auction

How to buy at the Auction:

Access to the Auction is permitted if the Main Rating value 10,000,000 is reached.

In the "Auction" tab at the Market building you can see the Black Gems lots, price of the lots, how much time remains till sales of the lots close and nickname of the last player bade.
Choose a lot and bid.
Bid increment at outbidding is 5,000 Gold. Thus, you can outbid other player increasing price for 5,000 Gold and higher. Other players can outbid you too.
Each bid made in the last hour of a lot’s lifetime prolongs it for an hour since the time the last bid has been made.
When the bidding time runs out, interface of the "Auction" tab will change for the winner; he will be able to choose city from where to contribute Gold. The Gold must be contributed within 48 hours from the sales closing. Timer will also appear at the "Auction" tab for the winner.

If you don’t pay in specified time you will be banned at the Auction for 7 days. If in course of the next 30 days you make another violation – you will be banned for 30 days. After the term passes you will be permitted to use Auction again. 

NOTE: Players can’t sell the Black Gems! Lots with random amount of the Black Gems appear right away another lot’s purchase.