My lands online game - Secrets

Today's article will focus on two important themes in the game My lands.

      1) Save our troops - the key to success in the game. You will learn how to reduce the loss of his troops to a minimum.
      2) Search and attack on the ruins. I'll teach you to get the black pearl (remember that this is the equivalent of real money that you can withdraw from the game) without significant losses.

      We begin

      The first thing you need to learn basic principle of successful games in My lands - take care of our troops! Do not waste them in vain. Do not attack the city with protective fortifications, with the troops. Ideal: sent 500 slaves to plunder - all 500 returned alive and healthy. And on the ruins of the monsters should attack only consideration when you have at least 50-100 healers (these units can resurrect dead troops after the battle).

       The process of resurrection begins from left to right and done in stages. That is, at first a porter, then a soldier, etc. After the resurrection of a magician again resurrected a porter, etc. If you died in battle 10 soldiers and 100 porters, and you can resurrect 20 raise it 10 porters and 10 soldiers.

      Healers - safety deposit your army.
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We have lost a total of 64 porters, and could lose half the army
    The good news is its 100 doctors in My lands you get by doing the quest "The call doctors of the temple."

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     Yes, it would take to spend the black pearl, but it's worth it! Do you know why? First, the building of the monastery is 5000 gold, 20000 Stone, 2000 iron and 2000 for the construction of required construction. But that's not all, training a doctor takes 7 hours and 30 minutes!

       So take the black pearl 100 doctors and seizing dozens of ruins in a day or two - you will return all spent black pearl. I've already checked out on their own experience! Sign Up!.

     Once you skomponuete his army to the attack of the army not to lose, or sacrifice a few cheap slaves - then safe to proceed to the extraction of black pearls.

      To find the ruins on the map - you need to:
1) Construct a "Expeditionary Force" and send a researcher to discover new lands (he will explore the boxes in your or neighboring kingdoms.) Once the researcher finds ruin - he will send you a report.
2) You can do a quest that will reveal the ruins of 10 first-level within a realm of your capital.

       Initially I thought that the ruins at My lands will not be enough, because for the first day of my research did not find any. But when I was three researchers, each morning, I read reports about 9.7 found ruins.

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In the morning at the post office waiting for me this report
      There are also some of the first level, and even the 6th!
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      Over the coordinate ruins seventh level, some players are willing to pay you $ 50.
       Ruins on the map look like this:

my lands стратегия
My lands in Ruins
      Since there is no spyware in ruins, the only one of your spies to find out - who inhabited the ancient ruined. In my first ruin was 9 black pearls 16 994 forest, 5273 stone and 103 iron!

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The first ruin
     At that time it was something! To get this amount of wood - I would have to run the city for three days without stopping, and generally keep quiet about rock - I got the whole plunder of wealth.

       I advise you to always look before the attack about terrayne. In simple terms - it's the terrain. For example, in the desert has a 50% shooter for the attack, and the forests have been riders to 50% for the attack. It is important nuances.

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   advise on the ruins of the attack, which are on friendly territory to you. Then you will get an additional bonus to defense.