My Lands (mlgame) - Specialisations


A player can have a single specialisation. That is, you need to make a decision which direction to choose and develop.
NOTE! If you begin second Specialisation studying, this will cancel the previous Specialisation you had.
After a Specialisation is studied you will get the badge of the given Specialisation. It will be displayed in your domains. Each Specialisation gives bonuses in some area.

Trader Specialisation.1 level2 level3 level
Market tax decrease by, %:259
Trading Post tax increase by:

Cleric Specialisation.1 level2 level3 level
% of resurrection in the Ressurector building increase by, %:51015
Healers training time decrease by, %:506070

In order to see bonus of the Miner Specialisation, enter Iron or Gold Plant or Stone Quarry and point at production figure.

Benefactor Specialisation.1 level2 level3 level
Cottages capacity increase by:255075
Population Growth in Cottages per hour increase by:81216

Architect Specialisation.1 level2 level3 level
Buildings construction, upgrade and repair time decrease by, %506580

Defender Specialisation.1 level2 level3 level
Fighting Towers attack value increase by, %:5075100
Enemy damage from Fortifications increase by:102030
Garrison defence increase by :123