My Lands (mlgame) - Mages

Decrease damage delivered to attacking troops by defensive towers and magic towers in combat (when attacking domain with towers).


Level 1. Mage's Apprentice
Level 2. Mage
Level 3. Archmage
Historical summary:

Level 1. Mage's ApprenticeBeing even an apprentice of a mage in the world of humans is very prestigious. Vast majority of people, both nobles and commoners, are sincerely afraid of mages. Mages have always been outlaws, but during the reign of King Rafard V a special royal decree was issued that allowed magic studies in spite of the Church's protests. More than 10 centuries ago, in the times of Rafard V, people encountered a previously unknown enemy – necromancers. This period of time in history has been called the "Dead time". Brave knights fought valiantly, but the fallen enemies continued to rise from the dead. And no end was seen to the horde of darkness until the outlaw mages have come to assistance. Nine Great Archmages of the blood magic circle performed a rite sacrificing their lives and thus protected the human race from the evil necromancers' magic for a thousand years. The dead stopped rising from their graves or from battlefields. And the war's balance changed.

Level 2. Mage
Any more or less rich man can become Mage's Apprentice. However, few are allowed becoming true Mages. Mages can protect troops from being wounded by projectiles with their mana shields. Using the telekinesis they're able to deflect heavy catapult projectiles. And using the combat spells they can deliver significant damage to enemy troops. Mainly due to the Church's bans Mages are taught the spells of protection above all. Rulers use the services of Mages only during sieges in order to decrease losses, because it's quite expensive...

Level 3. Archmage
After decades of training mages find "their own way of magic", which depends on relation with a certain type of energy. After introducing their power to the Council of Archmages and proving that they are worth mages receive the right for the Archmage's robe. An Archmage is a free man and has a right to do whatever he wishes for – to become a mercenary in the army or to seclude himself and search for the "Source", or to found an academy and teach young mages. The "Source" is what they call a reason existence for the magic. An Archmage can stop thousand arrows falling on the army with just a look. Boulders and projectiles, barrels with boiling oil turn and fly back into enemies, a burning ditch becomes alive and devours walls and buildings. Defence of any city becomes almost useless if an attacking army has Archmages.


Level 1. Herbalist
Level 2. Druid
Level 3. Archdruid
Historical summary:

Level 1. Herbalist
Half-breeds attracted by magic retire into the depths of magic woods in order to grasp the mysteries of nature and life. In solitude they learn the magic of nature. Those who don't succeed in magic become Herbalists. Herbalists don't take part in combat. During marches they make unique magical defensive potions for warriors. For a short time these potions increase perception and agility, strength and stamina, speed and durability etc. Also, they help warriors to notice and avoid timely enemy siege projectiles quite efficiently. 

Level 2. Druid
Druids feel the currents of life energy and the currents of death energy as well. A few days before battle they disappear, retire to their secret meadows that follow druids in a way unknown to anybody. There they summon the nature to defend armies. Giant Ents with huge wooden shields become the living defenders against enemy towers' fire.

Level 3. Archdruid
The most powerful mages of life receive the rank of Archdruid. Aside from Ents-defenders they can summon the forces of nature right on battlefield. They bring with them squads of strange plants looking like thorns, from secret meadows. These flowers spit magical seeds, which immediately start to grow into different kinds of marvels: living siege towers and siege walls, vine ladders, bridges over ditches and gigantic living vine roots that hinder the siege machines' fire, appear right before the eyes of an enemy. Under the command of a Hero Mage they are capable of becoming the most powerful striking force.


Level 1. Ice Leech
Level 2. Leech
Level 3. Blazing Leech
Historical summary:

Level 1. Ice Leech
If a Mage's soul is predisposed to the magic of water, then he has no access to the magic of fire in any form. Accepting the dark force granted by Demons, striving for power, the mages die in order to resurrect for eternal life in the form of Leech. After this process many lose their minds and are only able to fulfil wishes of their masters – the Demons. The lowest class of Leeches are the Ice Leeches. They are the weakest among the undead apt for magic. But even being the weakest they are capable of efficiently defending the army against projectiles of defensive towers freezing not only enemy arrows and projectiles in the air, but also birds, trees, gardens, farmers, and also cottages, walls and small towns...

Level 2. Leech
Usually Leeches lead hundred and thousand strong squads of the undead. Directing and giving orders they provide cover at the same time. Common Leeches aren't bound to one type of magic and are able to cast spells of any school, but at a low level, which makes them more efficient than Ice Leeches. They're able to cast quicksand under enemy mobile fortifications or to poison the air in enemy's tower and other similar spells that make enemy's defence ineffective.

Level 3. Blazing Leech
Especially strong mages after being resurrected wander off to Ignis, where they're being charged with Demon magic, which turns them into Blazing Leeches. Blazing Leeches are able to burn through Gates and melt walls with the sizzling magic of fire. Arrows and projectiles simply don't reach the army turning into ashes. They could have become the most powerful units in the entire Demons' army, but there's a side effect. Their destructive magic doesn't deliver any damage to the living matter. That's why they're used as elite army defenders during sieges.


Level 1. Arachnid
Level 2. Human Scorpion
Level 3. Human Spider

Historical Summary:

Level 1. Arachnid
Not only Rophs dwell in the depths of the Cursed Woods, but also the most terrifying creatures – Arachnids. These spider-like sentient beings are able to hypnotise and create magical illusions. They see perfectly well in darkness. Using their magic, they're able to deceive towers' garrisons with false targets reducing their damage to minimum. With great efforts the Drow were capable of bringing them to their side.

Level 2. Human Scorpion
The Drow's alchemists were attracted by the ability of Arachnids to feel the flows of magic. That's why after a lot of experiments chimeras consisting of Arachnids, the Drow and huge poisonous underground scorpions were created. This species preserved intelligence after the transformation. It was called Human Scorpion. The chimera was able to communicate with the creators. It inherited the abilities of Arachnids, but not the combat qualities of scorpions. However, chimeras became much more efficient in combat than common Arachnids.

Level 3. Human Spider
Again and again the experiments on hybridisation of a big number of different species failed. New chimeras were not what they were intended to be more and more. That's why alchemists picked the way of minimum components. In order to create "Human Spider" only Arachnid and Drow were used. The chimera exceeded all expectations despite of the limitations of the "three chimera components" law. Human Spider hasn't lost his mind and even received enhanced abilities of Arachnids. Truly Dark Elves created the most powerful mage in the world. A squad of these chimeras is able to completele neutralise damage even from the strongest enemy towers.


Level 1. Demi-Snakeleg
Level 2. Snakeleg
Level 3. Great Snakeleg