My Lands (mlgame) - Mercenaries


Aren't attacked by Fortifications.

Level 1. Robber
Level 2. Daredevil
Level 3. Sword Master
Historical Summary:

Level 1. Robber
Robbers are recruited indiscriminately among the lovers of easy pickings: rogues, pick-pockets, thugs and other kinds of street rabble. The main thing when recruited is to know how to wield a sword. Criminal past makes them risk their lives almost for nothing, but it's a better choice than the hanging... However, this significantly affects the effectiveness of such an army. Therefore rulers use them as cannon fodder before the attack of main army.

Level 2. Daredevil
Having gone through many campaigns and marauded enough Robbers become more experienced warriors and proudly call themselves Daredevils. They've already accepted their fate of being on forefront, in the very hell. Many don't survive, many desert, and rulers are forced to raise their salary. But despite everything they remain rascals and thugs who live only for money and pleasure.

Level 3. Sword Master
Few from thousands of common Robbers and Daredevils are accepted to study in the elite of human mercenaries. Even then majority of them dies being unable to survive the severe training. Sword Masters are recruited mainly among professional killers and murderers, dagger and poison experts – the criminal world's elite of the elite. However, honourable noblemen and skilled warriors aren't seen rarely among them. There are only two valuable things in the Guild of Sword Masters – art of assassination and heavy purse...


Level 1. Assassin
Level 2. Master Assassin
Level 3. Great Master Assassin
Historical Summary:

Level 1. Assassin
Alliance between an elf and a human is forbidden, but love knows not neither rules, nor laws. Half-elves, persecuted by humans and not recognised elves as equals, are doomed to be servants and labourers. Greed and envy, inherent to humans, drive them often at the way of thievery and robbery. Such half-breeds are exiled to special guilds where they're trained to be mercenary assassins as a punishment.

Level 2. Master Assassin
Master Assassins, who have learnt the mysteries of dagger and poison, conduct brilliant strike operations, slaughtering rest camps and fortresses' garrisons, overcoming any fortifications.

Level 3. Great Master Assassin
Elite warriors among assassins are called Great Masters. They're honoured to use the dwarven tissue that permits them to avoid being detected with magic. Enemy army gets to know that they're going to meet Great Master Assassins only when it's too late.


Level 1. Demonesse
Level 2. Battle Demonesse
Level 3. Flaming Demonesse
Historical summary:

Level 1. Demonesse
The only ones who showed themselves in our world are Demonesses, but, alas, those are mere aerial copies that are able to wield a weapon and disappear because of any wound. Thanks to a rite the summon of Demonesses is quite fast – they literally come out of the gate one after another.

Level 2. Battle Demonesse
Battle Demonesses are equipped better than common demonesses of lower ranks. Two-edged daggers and knuckles in the form of claws can deliver significant damage since the very beginning of a battle. They accomplish rapid attack missions especially well. Disappearing one after another under enemy strikes they manage to exchange their aerial shell for several enemy warriors.

Level 3. Flaming Demonesse
Flaming Demonesse, dazzling with her beauty, is able to kill a dozen of distracted warriors before disappearing. She has the highest attack value among mercenaries of all other races, because, aside from wielding cold arms, she's able to deliver close range strikes with fire magic.


Level 1 Headhunter
Level 2. Slayer
Level 3. Perfect Slayer
Historical summary:

Level 1. Headhunter
Llot's gift couldn't maintain bodies eroded by the curse. Grey hair and continuous pain of flesh is what awaits all Dark Elves in the old age, therefore in order to die in battle, and not in a bed, many of them choose the way of mercenary entering the ranks of Headhunters. On last stages of the disease the body of Drow is so worn-out by continuous regeneration that even the smallest cut can lead to irreversible consequences and even to death.

Level 2. Slayer
Those Drow who weren't lucky enough to fall in their first battle are called Slayers. Cold look and detachment from this world, and only one desire – to die in a fight – that's all they got left. These Mercenaries deliver much bigger damage than simple Headhunters. Slayers try to wear their clothes in a way that other Drow couldn't see saprogenic areas on their bodies, because with time even the magic of Llot isn't capable of suppressing the Drow curse.

Level 3. Perfect Slayer
Not many Drow live to see the rank of Perfect Slayer, but those are truly skilful warriors. Having a lot of fights in the past, they've learnt to evade any attacks, though they haven't got a lot of time left to live. They fanatically try to take as many enemies with them as possible.


Level 1. Forest Spirit
Level 2. Water Spirit
Level 3. Fire Spirit